
The Children Soar Inc.

SOAR – Strive, Optimistic, Achieve, Resilience

The Children Soar Inc. is dedicated to shaping young minds within marginalized neighborhoods. Through mentorship and support, we empower children to achieve their goals and chase their dreams. Our initiatives include providing school supplies through our back-to-school drive, promoting focus and ambition over violence with our “Stop the Violence” program, and enriching lives with our after-school program that offers mentorship, a safe space for discussion, and leadership training.

About Us

Through our initiatives and programs, we aspire to make a positive impact on the lives of these students, empowering them to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. The Children SOAR Inc is dedicated to fostering a brighter future for students in high-poverty areas, creating pathways to success and opportunities for growth.

Student Development

At The Children SOAR Inc, our commitment extends beyond mere assistance; we aim to empower our students by nurturing essential life skills.

Community Care

The Children SOAR Inc eagerly anticipates contributing to our community through the active involvement of our exceptional group of students

Sponsorship & Mentoring

At The Children SOAR Inc, we extend a unique opportunity for our members and volunteers to actively contribute to the well-being and development of our students.


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Even though Quality Basic Education is the main source of funding, there are still 44% of school leaders who believe that the Georgia school system is underfunded

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According to Georgia Department of Education in 2022: In 2012 the high school graduation rate percentage is 69.7%, it has increased by 14.4% since then leading to having a percentage of 84.1% in 2022. 


As of Fiscal Year 2024 of Georgia Department of Education Atlanta Public Schools Department Enrollment Count: Ethnic Hispanic 4096, Indian 137, Asian 566, Black 35,116, Pacific 44, White 8017, Multi 1684 

The Issue

Students residing in areas with high poverty levels are prone to encountering trauma either within their households or in their local communities.

The Children SOAR 4 POINT VOW

The Children Soar inc  is committed to STRIVING for excellence, not just within our own organization but also in the individuals we encounter, aiming to inspire greatness.


The commitment of The Children Soar inc is to instruct families on cultivating OPTIMISM during challenging times when many individuals might typically lose hope.


The Children Soar inc is dedicated to assisting students in drawing their dreams closer by fostering AMBITION, enabling them to accomplish their life goals.


The Children Soar inc is committed to instilling RESILIENCE in children, teaching them that success belongs to those who persist and fight for it, rather than those who give up.
