Why should you join SOAR?

At The Children SOAR inc we transcend the conventional boundaries of being merely an organization; we are a close-knit family united by a shared commitment to making a positive impact. Joining us provides a unique and gratifying opportunity for you to actively engage with your community and contribute to those who need assistance the most. Beyond the altruistic aspect, being a part of The LOVE Foundation also serves as a platform for personal growth. Through participation, you’ll have the chance to cultivate new leadership skills, fostering your development while simultaneously expanding your network within the community.


Most frequently questions and answers

The mission of The Children SOAR inc is to combat the adverse impacts of poverty on the overall well-being of our students by supplying essential school resources and materials, thereby enriching the educational development of our children.

If you would like to donate, please refer to the donate page. Once you click on the donate tab, then proceed to the bottom of the page where you will then see a tab that says “Give to Us”. You will then advance on to the choose amount page. This page will allow you to choose the amount you would like to give to the organization. You have a choice on donating either by mail, credit card, or paypal.

The Children SOAR inc. accepts clothing, canned food, toys, and toiletries year round.

Your donation will be going towards children, parents, teachers and schools who reside in high poverty areas. Your donation will be able to give back to schools who are in need of updated technology/textbooks, school supplies, renovating buildings, and so much more.

a. If you would like to volunteer with The Children SOAR inc, you must have reliable transportation, great communication skills, a willingness to help, time management, and ability to learn quickly. 

b. Please download the Volunteer PDF. By downloading the PDF, you can provide us your information and if so, provide any past volunteer work. Our Volunteer committee will then look over your form and get back to you within 2 weeks.

If you would like to stay up-to-date with The Children SOAR inc, you can either add yourself to our email list to start receiving updated news or you can follow us on our social media page. IG: @thechildrensoarinc.

a. If you are looking to sponsor a family/student, you will have to make a minimum payment of $1000. This payment will allow you to be able to sponsor a family. When you sponsor a family, you are helping a family be able to have canned food, school supplies, toiletries, and much more. 

b. If you are looking to sponsor a family/student, then please download the Sponsor PDF and fill out the form.

The Children SOAR Inc has 2 annual events a year. Those events are going to be the School Supply Drive and the Food & Clothing Drive. Please follow our social media pages to stay up-to-date with our events.

The Children SOAR inc is mainly active in Atlanta, Ga and also the Metro Atlanta area.

If you would like to join The Children SOAR Inc, then please fill out the pdf form to join. Please also attach a 100 word statement on other organizations that you have joined, explain why you would be a great asset to the organization, and please explain what you have to offer to the organization.

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