About Us

Our History

Established in January 2022 and officially granted 501(c)(3) status in April 2023, The Children SOAR Inc is a non-profit organization dedicated to uplifting students residing in high-poverty areas. The acronym SOAR represents the organization’s core values of striving, optimism, achieving, and resilience. Beyond merely providing assistance, the organization aspires to transform students into elites, fostering a mindset where they can excel in any endeavor they undertake.

Interestingly, The Children SOAR Inc did not always bear this name. Prior to adopting its current title, the organization underwent two different names. Initially named The DREAM Foundation, the acronym DREAM encapsulated the values of determination, relentlessness, eagerness, ambition, and motivation. This name was inspired by the quote from the founder India Cade that declares, “A DREAM is Just a Vision that Will Soon Turn into Reality.” The DREAM Foundation was utilized during the initial two months of the organization’s operation, until it was discovered that the name was already in use.

Subsequently, the team brainstormed a new name, settling on The SOAR Foundation. However, this name too was found to be already taken. Undeterred, the team persisted in their quest for a name that not only embodied the organization’s mission but also integrated the essence of SOAR. Thus, “The Children SOAR Inc” emerged as the final choice, reflecting the organization’s commitment to uplifting children and incorporating the values encapsulated in the acronym SOAR.

The organization’s Core Values are resilience, ambition, student engagement, leadership development, and revamping the community. With these core values the organization vows to help any student, in the Atlanta, Georgia area, by providing them school supplies, resources for their school work or even for their everyday duties at home and to also build them into a leader in their community.




“A Dream is Just a Vision that Will Soon Turn Into Reality” 

-India Cade


Students who Strive to be Optimistic, and Achieving success with Resilience

Core Values



Student Engagement

Leadership Development

Revamping the Community